
"Cognitive Functioning in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis" Neurology, W. MacAllister. L. Krupp, A. Belman, M. Milazzo, D. Weisbrot, C. Christodoulou, T. Preston, C. Cianciulli (in press).

"Treatment of Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis" Current Treatment Options in Neurology, L. Krupp, W. MacAllister (in press).

"Clinical and demographic features of pediatric multiple sclerosis" Neurology, B. Banwell, J. Kennedy, L. Krupp. 2004;62 (suppl 5), A230.

"Clinical features and disease-modifying therapy experience in pediatric multiple sclerosis" Multiple Sclerosis, L. Krupp, L. Pardo, D. Vitt. 2004: S178.

"Treatment of childhood and adolescent MS and interferon-beta-1b" Multiple Sclerosis, L. Krupp, B. Banwell, A. Boiko, et al. 2004: S245

"Viral exposures in paediatric multiple sclerosis: Preliminary dtat from a multinational collaborative study" Multiple sclerosis, B. Banwell, R. Tellier, L. Krupp, et al. 2004;10:S161.

"Unexpected demographic profile in Pediatric MS" Annals of Neurology abstract, W. MacAllister, L. Krupp, M. Milazzo, A. Belman, C. Christodoulou, P. Melville. (2004).

"Psychiatric Comorbidity in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyeltis." American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, L. Krupp, M. Milazzo, A. Belman, W. MacAllister. November 2004.

"Cognition and clinical factors in early-onset multiple sclerosis" Presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore, Maryland. (Abstract in Press), W. MacAllister, C. Cianciulli, L. Krupp, M. Milazzo, C. Christodoulou, A. Belman, W. Scherl, T. Preston, B. Melville, T. Morgan. (2004, February).

Dealing with Cognitive Symptoms in Pediatric and Adolescent MS in Parent Handbook: An Informational Guide to Childhood MS, W. MacAllister, R. Kalb (Editor). Professional Resource Center, National Multiple Sclerosis Society. (2003).

"Memory Impairment in Early-Onset Multiple Sclerosis" Presented at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Dallas, TX. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, W. MacAllister, C. Cianciulli, L. Krupp, M. Milazzo, A. Belman, C. Christodoulou, W. Scherl, T. Preston, P. Melville, T. Morgan. (2003, September). 18, 727.

"Preliminary Report from the Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Study Group" Ann Neurol, A. Belman, L. Krupp, C. Cianciulli, M. Milazzo. T. Preston, C. Christdoulou, et al. 2002;52 (Supp1) S1.

"Preliminary report from the pediatric multiple sclerosis study group" Presented at Child Neurology Society Meeting, Washington, DC., Ann Neurol, A. Belman, L. Krupp, C. Cianciulli, M. Milazzo, T. Preston, C. Christodoulou, T. Morgan, W. MacAllister, G. Novak, P. Mattis, K. Blitz, B. Wilson, D. Panasci, B. Banwell, P. Anderson, B. Weinstock-Guttman, R. Benedict, K. Rommohan, D. Lynn. 2002;52 (Supp1).

"Clinical, demographic and cognitive features of childhood onset multiple sclerosis" Multiple Sclerosis, L. Krupp, A. Belman, C. Cianciulli, M. Milazzo, K. Blitz, T. Morgan, P. Melville. 2002;8 (suppl):S86.

When Children Get MS: Programs and Research, National Multiple Sclerosis Society's 2002 National Leadership Conference, Nashville, Tennessee.

Neurological Profile of Children with Multiple Sclerosis, MS Consortium, New York, NY. March 30, 2001.

"Neuropsychological profile of children with multiple sclerosis: A pilot study to define areas of impairment and plan cognitive rehabilitation" Ann Neurol, C. Cianciulli, L. Krupp, A. Belman, T. Preston, T. Morgan, P. Mattis, K. Blitz, B. Wilson, G. Novak. (suppl) 2001:75.

Staff Presentations

Cognitive Functioning in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis, W. MacAllister. Grand Rounds Presentation, Neurology Department, State University of New York at Stony Brook (2004).

The cognitive impact of MS onset in childhood, W. MacAllister. Presented at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, Toronto, Canada (2004, June).

Cognition and clinical factors in early-onset multiple sclerosis, W. MacAllister, C. Cianciulli, L. Krupp, M. Milazzo, C. Christodoulou, A. Belman, W. Scherl, T. Preston, B. Melville, T. Morgan. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore, Maryland (2004, February).

Dealing with Cognitive Symptoms in Pediatric and Adolescent MS in "Parent Handbook: An Informational Guide to Childhood MS", R. Kalb (Editor), presented by W. MacAllister. Professional Resource Center, National Multiple Sclerosis Society (2003).

Memory Impairment in Early-Onset Multiple Sclerosis, W. MacAllister, C. Cianciulli, L. Krupp, M. Milazzo, A. Belman, C. Christodoulou, W. Scherl, T. Preston, P. Melville, T. Morgan. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Dallas, TX. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 18, 727. (2003, September).

Preliminary report from the pediatric multiple sclerosis study group, W. MacAllister, G. Novak, P. Mattis, K. Blitz, B. Wilson, D. Panasci, B. Banwell, P. Anderson, B. Weinstock-Guttman, R. Benedict, K. Rommohan, D. Lynn. Presented at Child Neurology Society Meeting, Washington, DC. Annals of Neurology, 2002, 52: Supp1. (2002).

Progressive Cognitive Decline in Pediatric MS, W. MacAllister, L. Krupp, C. Christodoulou, M. Milazzo, S. Rao, A. Belman. Submitted to the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Miami, FL. (2005, April).

Revisiting McDonald's Dissemination in Space Criterion in the Diagnosis of Pediatric MS, S. Rao, N. Mclinskey, W. MacAllister, M. Milazzo, A. Belman, L. Krupp. Submitted to the 57th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Miami, FL. (2005, April).

Relation of cognitive dysfunction to multiple neuroimaging measures in multiple sclerosis over 24 Weeks , Christodoulou, C., Krupp, L., Dwyer, M.G., Melville, P., Scherl, W.F., Morgan, T., MacAllister, W., Zivadinov, R. (submitted).. Submitted for presentation at the 2005 annual meeting of the American Academy of Neurology, Miami Beach, Florida. Neurology (in press).

MacAllister, W. S., Krupp, L.B., Milazzo, M., Barnosky, B., Belman, A. L., Christodoulou, C., Weisbrot, D., Rao, S., Scherl, W. (2005, February). Comparison of Memory Performance in Pediatric MS and Acute Disseminated Encephalomyelitis. Submitted to the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, St Louis, Missouri.

MacAllister, W.S., Krupp, L.B., Belman, A.L., Milazzo, M., Weisbrot, D., Christodoulou, C., Preston, T., Cianciulli, C. (2004) Cognitive Functioning in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. Submitted for publication.

Krupp, L.B., MacAllister, W.S., Milazzo, M., Belman, A.L., Christodoulou, C., & Melville, P. (2004, October). Unexpected demographic profile in pediatric MS. Presented at the 129th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Toronto, ON. Annals of Neurology, in press.

Christodoulou, C., Krupp, L.B., Melville, P., Scherl, W.F., Morgan, T., MacAllister, W.S., Canfora, D.M., Berry, S.A. (2004). Perceived cognitive dysfunction and observed neuropsychological performance: Longitudinal relation in persons with multiple sclerosis. Submitted for publication.

Krupp, L.B., Christodoulou, C., Melville, P., Scherl, W.F., MacAllister, W.S., Elkins, L.E. (2004) Donepezil improved memory in multiple sclerosis in a randomized clinical trial. Neurology, 63, xxx-xxx.

Scherl, W.F., Krupp, L.B., Christodoulou, C., Morgan, T.M., Hyman, L., Chandler, B., Coyle, P.K., MacAllister ,W.S., and the Lyme Study Group (2004). Normative data for the Selective Reminding Test: A random digit dialing sample. Psychological Reports, 95, 593-603.

MacAllister, W.S. (2004, June). The cognitive impact of MS onset in childhood. Presented at the annual meeting of the Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers, Toronto, ON.

Tudorica, A., Christodoulou, C., Krupp, L., Roche, P., Melville, P., Scherl, W., MacAllister, W.S., Huang, W. (2004). 1H MRS levels at baseline predict cognition at 6 months in patients with multiple sclerosis. Proceedings of the International Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, (in press).

MacAllister, W.S. (2004, March). Cognitive Functioning in Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. Grand Rounds Presentation, Neurology Department, State University of New York at Stony Brook.

MacAllister, W.S., Cianciulli, C., Krupp, L.B., Milazzo, M., Christodoulou, C., Belman, A. L., Scherl, W., Preston, T., Melville, B. & Morgan, T. (2004, February). Cognition and clinical factors in early-onset multiple sclerosis. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore, Maryland.

Christodoulou, C., Krupp, L.B., Melville, P., Scherl, W.F., Morgan, T., MacAllister, W.S., Canfora, D.M., Berry, S.A., Miller, S. (2004, February) Longitudinal association of self-reported cognitive dysfunction and neuropsychological performance in persons with multiple sclerosis. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Baltimore, Maryland.

MacAllister, W.S. (2003). Cognitive Symptoms in MS. in Kids Get MS Too: A Guide for Parents Whose Child or Teen has MS, R. Kalb (Editor), Professional Resource Center, National Multiple Sclerosis Society.

MacAllister, W.S., Cianciulli, C., Krupp, L.B., Milazzo, M., Belman, A.L., Christodoulou, C., Scherl, W., Preston, T., Melville, P., Morgan, T. (2003, September). Memory Impairment in Early-Onset Multiple Sclerosis. Presented at the annual meeting of the National Academy of Neuropsychology, Dallas, TX. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, 18, 727.

Christodoulou, C., Krupp, L.B., Liang, Z., Huang, W., Melville, P., Roque, C., Scherl, W.F., Morgan, T., MacAllister, W.S., Li, L., Tudorica, L.A., Li, X., Roche, P., Peyster, R. (2003). Cognitive performance and MR markers of cerebral injury in cognitively impaired MS patients. Neurology, 60, 1793-1798.

McIlree, C., Christodoulou, C., Scherl W.F., Morgan, T., MacAllister, W., Melville, P., Krupp, L.B. (2003, March). Occupational functioning and mild cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis. Presented at the 74th annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.

MacAllister, W., Christodoulou, C., McIlree, C., Morgan, T., Scherl, W. F., Melville, P., & Krupp, L., (2003, February). Cognition, physical disability, and employment in MS patients with cognitive impairment. Presented the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Honolulu, HI. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9(2), 228-229.

Christodoulou, C., Krupp, L.B., Liang, Z., Huang, W., Melville, P., Scherl, W.F., Morgan, T., MacAllister, W., Li, L., Tudorica, L.A., Li, X, Roche, P., Roque, C., Peyster, R. (2003, February). Neuroimaging markers of cerebral injury and neuropsychological performance in cognitively impaired multiple sclerosis patients. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society Meeting in Honolulu, Hawaii. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9(2), 228.

Scherl, W. F., Krupp, L. B., Christodoulou, C., Morgan, T., Coyle, P. K., Elkins, L. E., MacAllister, W., & McIlree, C. (2003, February). Neuropsychological profile of healthy controls recruited by random digit dialing: Normative data and alternate forms reliability. Presented at the annual meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society, Honolulu, HI. Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 9(2), 241.

Belman, A., Krupp, L., Cianciulli, C., Milazzo, M., Preston, T., Christodoulou, C., Morgan, T., MacAllister, W., Novak, G., Mattis, P., Blitz. K., Wilson, B., Panasci, D., Banwell, B., Anderson, P., Weinstock-Guttman, B., Benedict, R., Rommohan, K., Lynn, D. (2002). Preliminary report from the pediatric multiple sclerosis study group. Presented at Child Neurology Society Meeting, Washington, DC. Annals of Neurology, 2002, 52: Supp1.

MacAllister, W., Christodoulou, C., Scherl, W., Elkins, L., Morgan T, McIlree, C., Strober, L., Perone, P., Melville, P., Krupp, L. (2002). Screening for cognitive impairment in multiple sclerosis with the clock drawing test. Presented at the 127th Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, New York, NY. Annals of Neurology, 2002, 52:Supp1.

Milazzo M, MacALlister W, Krupp L, Belman A. Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis: Results of the First Year of Study. Annual meeting of the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, Dallas, TX. March 2005.

Pediatric Demyelinating Disease. To be presented at National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners. Phoenix, AZ. March 2005.

Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. Presented at Association of Child Neurology Nurses annual meeting. Ottowa, CA, October 2004.

Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. Presented at Advanced Practice Nurses Annual Update. School of Nursing, SUNY at Stony Brook University. June 2004.

Milazzo M, MacAllister W, Weisbrot D, Belman A, Krupp L. Multidisciplinary Assess in Pediatric Demyelinating Diseases. Annual Meeting of the International Consortium of MS Centers, Toronto, Canada. June 2004.


Grand Rounds. Department of Pediatrics. New York University Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. April 22, 2003.

Grand Rounds. Department of Neurology. George Washington University Medical Center. Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. May 28, 2003.

Invited Lecture. Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis International MS Conference Berlin, Germany September 22, 2003.

Grand Rounds. Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis Department of Neurology and Pediatric Neurology. Harvard Medical School, October 30, 2003.

Invited Lecture. Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. Annual Meeting for the Rhode Island Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Nov 12, 2003.

Lecturer. Pediatric Mulitiple Sclerosis. CME Course: Update on Multiple Sclerosis. University of Orlando, Florida. March 12, 2004.

2004 Invited Speaker, Update on Pediatric MS. National MS Society. Interviewed by Richard Cohen, news correspondent and author

Course Director Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. American Academy of Neurology Breakfast Seminar. April 26, 2004.

International Workshop on Pediatric MS. National Multiple Sclerosis Society. New York City, New York. Febuary 26- 27, 2004.

Invited Lecturer. Pediatric MS Multiple Sclerosis Update. NMSS – NYC chapter. New York City, New York. June 13.

Invited Lecture. Pediatric Multiple Sclerosis. Annual National meeting of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, Denver, Colorado. Nov 12 2

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